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Use These A/B Testing Tools To Run Your Next Test!

April 14, 2020
3 Min Read
Use These A/B Testing Tools To Run Your Next Test!

Successful eCommerce businesses that use the inbound marketing methodology to drive traffic to their websites are also A/B testing as often as possible. Whether it be click-through rates or open rates, there's always something that can be A/B tested on your website and emails.

A/B testing is a great way to determine which marketing strategies produce higher results and which parts may need a refresh. After all, it's our job as marketers to constantly pursue new and improved opportunities for our clients.

That's why in this blog, we're sharing three A/B testing tools that we recommend using to run your next (or first) test.

3 A/B Testing Tools We Recommend

Here at Groove, some of the A/B testing we do includes:

  • Testing email templates to see which produces a higher engagement rate
  • Testing email subject lines to determine which types of headings produce higher open rates
  • Testing shopping cart pages to determine how we can increase a higher checkout rate and drive more revenue.

A/B testing can provide insight to whether or not you need to make any new design or layout updates to your current site. Because A/B testing helps drive business decisions based on hard data, it helps to justify any changes that may or may not need to be made to your eCommerce site.

Here are some of our favorite A/B testing tools to help streamline the process:

  • Optimizely
  • HubSpot
  • Crazy Egg

1. Optimizely

Optimizely is one of our favorite A/B testing tools. It’s tailored to work with your existing platform and is super easy to setup. All you need to do is insert a single line of HTML code that is generated by Optimizely, and you’ll never have to mess with that code again.

One feature we particularly like is its custom goal tracking. In addition to having the option to track engagements, clicks, conversions and email sign-ups, you're also able to track anything else that matters to your business. For our clients, we like to track revenue in addition to the other features.

One perk about Optimizely is its pricing. For free, you have access to a variety of features to help you get started. It also offers more targeted optimized features and support at the enterprise level, which comes at a cost.

Pricing varies based on your website and your needs (including if you're looking for additional benefits.) Whether you're looking for a free platform or don't mind paying for an A/B testing tool, Optimizely will help make the process smooth-running.

2. HubSpot

HubSpot’s A/B testing tool isn’t as complex as Optimizely, but it does help you obtain information about the emails you are sending and landing pages you are attempting to drive traffic to. However, you need to be an Enterprise customer in order to have access to this feature.

We use A/B testing in our HubSpot emails to test subject lines and also template layouts. We test the subject lines to determine what triggers users to open an email and test the email template to determine which email generated a higher engagement rate.

We also use HubSpot's A/B testing feature when we create landing pages. Testing landing pages with HubSpot is very easy to use. You can A/B test headlines, images and calls-to-action as well as use analytics to see which landing page drives more conversions, new leads and customers.

The best part is that the functionality of HubSpot landing pages requires very little development or design work, if any at all.

We use these tests for the campaigns we run for our clients. When it’s time to create and plan a new campaign, we can take a look back at the last one and determine which landing pages had the greatest success. Was it the layout, the call-to-action or maybe even different content?

3. Crazy Egg

If you haven't used Crazy Egg in a while, you’re probably thinking to yourself, “Crazy Egg doesn’t have A/B testing capabilities.” While they are best known for their visual heat map reports, Neil Patel and Hiten Shah's website optimization company does in fact allow users to test out and validate creative ideas in a data-driven way.

Crazy Egg's A/B testing tool is easy to use and interpret. Our favorite part is that the winning variant automatically gets the majority of the traffic, so we don't need to monitor the data 24/7 or worry about when we should hit pause on the test.

Pricing starts at $29/month, and Crazy Egg offers a free trial for you to see what it's all about first.


A/B testing provides extremely valuable information to businesses - especially when your business relies heavily on email and website traffic to drive leads and revenue. At Groove, A/B testing tools help us to plan more accurately and show our clients why we do the things the way we do.

By conducting frequent A/B tests and analyzing the results to make data-driven decisions, you can expect to see a rise in revenue, leads, engagement and more.

If you have additional questions about the A/B testing tools mentioned in this blog or would like to learn more about how Groove can help to improve your eCommerce marketing strategy, contact us through the form below. Our team will be in touch!

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Internal Marketing Manager

Spencer Flaherty is an eCommerce blogger who loves exploring the latest trends and technologies in the industry. From chatbots to virtual reality, they cover it all.

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