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B2B eCommerce SEO: How It Differs From Standard SEO Strategies

October 27, 2024
3 Min Read
B2B eCommerce SEO: How It Differs From Standard SEO Strategies

In today’s constantly evolving digital world, your business needs visibility to thrive. Getting the right eyes on your company, however, is often more easily said than done. Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital for both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) sellers to reach their target markets. SEO strategy, however, differs depending on whether you’re running a B2B or B2C business. Here, we’ll highlight effective B2B SEO strategies and take a look at the major differences marketers find when they compare B2B SEO vs. eCommerce SEO for traditional B2C-oriented websites.

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Understanding Standard eCommerce SEO (B2C)

While each B2C company is unique, B2C SEO strategy tends to revolve around certain tactics, including:

  • Using consumer-oriented keywords
  • Creating a user experience that lends itself to quick conversions and makes use of engaging product pages
  • Prioritization of appealing descriptions and positive user reviews

Short sales cycles mean that B2C companies don’t have much time to build a positive rapport with their target audiences, so their sites must be catchy, keyword-driven, and designed to encourage potential customers to take fast action.

Reach out to Groove today to learn how we can support your B2C business. Our case studies showcase how we’ve helped both B2C and B2B companies succeed by diligently applying the latest eCommerce SEO best practices.

Key Differences in SEO for B2B and B2C eCommerce Websites

In both B2B and B2C marketing, the end goal is the same: to increase your brand’s visibility to your target market and make efficient conversions. Let’s take a look at some of the main differences between B2B and B2C that call for changes to your SEO strategy

Sales Cycles & Audience

The purchasing process for a B2B sale often involves getting approval from multiple people within the buyer’s company, which can lead to a longer sales cycle. This means that B2B sales frequently require SEO that builds trust and facilitates relationships. In B2B marketing, it’s smart to help potential customers understand that when they partner with your organization, you’ll cooperate as a team to work toward achieving the desired results with your products and services.

B2B eCommerce SEO for longer sales cycles

Search Intent & Keywords

While B2C SEO typically targets transactional searches, B2B SEO targets keywords based on research and solutions to common business problems. Understanding the unique issues faced by your target market is key to creating successful B2B SEO strategies. Ongoing keyword research is crucial to helping your marketing team understand what your target market is thinking.

Content Strategy

B2C content strategy strives to create a company image that feels relatable to customers. The best SEO campaigns for B2C companies work to help shoppers feel that they’re on the same level as a company, rather than bogging down their content with technical jargon that would confuse someone who isn’t employed in their industry. On the other hand, B2B transactions carry a heavier weight than sales to individual consumers; B2B purchases can affect multiple departments and people within a company. B2B target audiences are typically looking for in-depth content, including white papers and case studies, to inform their decisions. Good SEO for B2B websites requires tested, high-level information that reflects proven results within the target market’s industry.

Link Building

B2C best practices require linking to consumer-focused sites, where potential customers can learn more about the experiences that others have had with a retailer. B2B eCommerce SEO focuses on providing the potential buyer with additional information by linking to respected industry sources, helping to build a sense of trust and comfort with the seller. Link building can provide opportunities for B2B companies to increase trust in their brands by creating links to research and case studies found on their company websites.

Technical SEO

A fast, easy-to-use, and well-organized website is key to both B2B and B2C SEO strategies. That being said, B2B sites often require a higher level of technical detail due to the specialized, complex nature of the products they offer. Regular website testing is key to ensuring a positive buyer experience in the B2B space.

At Groove, We’re Here to Help Your Business Thrive

If you’re working to increase the visibility of your B2B organization, it’s important to employ strategies specifically developed for your needs. While B2C strategies are effective when used as intended, B2B eCommerce SEO requires a more professional and sophisticated approach. 

The good news: There’s no need for you to develop an SEO strategy on your own. At Groove Commerce, we’re here to provide you with the SEO expertise that you need to take your business to the next level. Whether you’re working on SEO for a B2C or B2B organization, we’ve got you covered. Reach out to our team today to learn more about what we do, and book a complimentary audit with one of our SEO specialists.

B2B eCommerce SEO

B2B eCommerce: The Complete Guide to Accelerate Growth

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Internal Marketing Manager

Spencer Flaherty is an eCommerce blogger who loves exploring the latest trends and technologies in the industry. From chatbots to virtual reality, they cover it all.

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