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eCommerce Email Marketing Best Practices

February 28, 2024
2 Min Read
eCommerce Email Marketing Best Practices

It's been projected that by 2021, the number of emails sent and received each day will grow to 320 billion. That is an almost inconceivable number of emails with the potential to drive sales for businesses.

If you want to take advantage of eCommerce email marketing benefits, follow these email marketing best practices for 2020.

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Email Marketing Best Practices for 2020

Use Segmentation

Reach customers at the right time in the buyer's journey by segmenting your emails. Without email segmentation, you're wasting your time because customers are receiving irrelevant content. One of the easiest email marketing mistakes to make is to bombard customers with emails during the wrong time in the buyer's journey.

Segment emails based on location, consumer behaviors or customer lifetime value. Target specific customers and send customized messages directly to them with segmentation. This ensures that the emails you send out are relevant to the people receiving them.

Because, let’s face it, who really wants to receive an email from Wedding Paper Divas when they’ve been married for almost two years?

Start simple by segmenting a group of engaged customers, like those who have opened your previous email. Send an enticing message, and provide an incentive so that they navigate to your site and make a purchase.

For the unengaged segment of consumers, target them with re-engagement emails and attractive email designs to increase engagement.

Get Personal!

Humanizing your brand is a phrase you’re probably familiar with by now, but it’s significant to a strong email marketing strategy. Who wants an email delivered by something that sounds like spam or that is tailored for the masses?

Personalization is not only one of the email subject line best practices, but can happen anywhere in your email, and it’s great because it is minimal effort and your recipients will appreciate it and feel more inclined to engage.

Start simple and try adding personalization tokens to your email subject lines, or if you really want to take your email marketing to the next level, start sending out personalized follow-up emails. They’re a great way to receive feedback while reinforcing to your recipient that they matter. 

Ask For Feedback

Don't be afraid to ask for feedback from your subscribers. After all, who knows what they want better than, well, themselves? This is a great way to figure out what is working and what is not within your emails and the content you're publishing. 

Asking for feedback from your recipients will make them feel more valued, which in turn makes you seem more trustworthy. It is truly a win-win. Buyers appreciate honesty, and so should you as a seller. 

A/B Test

Would you ever serve a brand new recipe at a party without tasting it first? What if the first try wasn’t good, would you remake it or serve it anyway? The same thought process can and should be applied to your email marketing.

Use A/B Testing for everything from subject lines, to email template layouts, to call-to-action buttons. This is the only way to make sure you’re sending the best-optimized emails as possible. If you don’t A/B test, how do you know what’s really working?

Begin by testing your subject line for open rate. Almost any email provider, like Constant Contact or MailChimp, will provide you with easy instructions on how to run an A/B test on their platform.


Remember, eCommerce email marketing is just like any other aspect of digital marketing: it’s constantly changing. Be sure to stay up-to-date on email marketing trends so that you can provide the best customer experience.

If you have additional questions or are looking to improve your email marketing strategy, contact us through the form below. We'll be happy to help!

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