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eCommerce Marketing Tools: 10 Recommendations

September 03, 2020
4 Min Read
eCommerce Marketing Tools: 10 Recommendations

Modern businesses need eCommerce marketing tools to help them grow. However, the plethora of options can often become overwhelming. That's why we're sharing our favorite tried-and-true eCommerce marketing tools to help you evaluate multiple options.

eCommerce Marketing Tools

Though this list is not comprehensive and there are numerous other eCommerce marketing tools out there, our team has leveraged these tools for both Groove Commerce and our clients. Whether you're looking for SEO tools or a marketing automation platform, we encourage using any of these tools to help your business grow:

  1. Moz Pro
  2. SpyFu
  3. Ahrefs
  4. Google Marketing Platform
  5. HubSpot
  6. Klaviyo
  7. Justuno
  8. SearchSpring
  9. Smile.io
  10. Stamped.io

eCommerce Marketing Tools For SEO

Moz Pro

Moz Pro offers tremendous power for businesses looking to improve online visibility and brand awareness. We recommend taking the time to become familiar with the platform and all it has to offer.

Optimize your website pages, track rankings and increase overall reach by leveraging Moz Pro's features, including:

  • On-Page Grader
  • Campaigns
  • Link Explorer
  • Keyword Explorer
  • Ranking Tools
  • Site Crawl Report
  • On-Demand Crawl
  • Rank Tracker

We love Moz Pro because each of these features addresses a different facet of eCommerce SEO. We use this tool daily − both internally and for our clients − and have seen significant increases in our traffic and visibility as a result.


SpyFu is the ultimate competitive research tool. Identify your paid and organic competitors (including keyword and ranking details) and buy recommendations, gaps and more.

Better understand your competition's organic and paid rankings by utilizing all of the features SpyFu has to offer, like:

  • Kombat
  • Related Keywords 
  • Ranking History 
  • Backlinks
  • Keyword Competitor Tool
  • Keyword Grouping Tool


We love all of the features that come with Ahrefs. Internally, we use the keyword explorer to identify highly-searched keywords, the site audit feature to identify any technical SEO errors and warnings, and the rank tracker tool to see how our website ranks on search engine results pages.

Here are some of Ahrefs unique features that differentiate this tool from the competition:

  • Do keyword research for 10 search engines
  • See "clicks" data
  • Get total search traffic estimations
  • See backlink growth or decline over time
  • See top subfolders by traffic
  • See keyword click distributions
  • Analyze SERP history
  • Uncover content gaps
  • See ranking history
  • Monitor outbound links
  • Find link prospects with Content Explorer
  • Get keyword rankings alerts
  • Analyze internal backlinks

Our Favorite Advertising & Tracking Tool

Google Marketing Platform

We could write a novel about the eCommerce marketing tools Google offers! Thankfully, this isn't a novel. Improve rankings, visibility and conversion by leverage some of these fan faves:

  • Google Ads - Digital Advertising
  • Google Optimize - A/B and Multivariate Testing
  • Google Analytics - Website Insights
  • Google Search Console - Reporting and Site Health
  • Google Tag Manager - Website and SEO Optimization

These are just a few of the many tools available through Google's Marketing Platform. We use these tools both internally and externally on a daily basis and find significant value in the benefits they offer. From testing to reporting, Google remains an industry leader in digital marketing and can help eCommerce businesses continue to grow through its tools.

Marketing Automation & Lead Capture Tools


HubSpot is an all-in-one inbound marketing software that features many tools that drive eCommerce success. At a high-level, HubSpot's software is separated into a few key areas:

  • HubSpot Marketing – Marketing Automation, CMS, etc.
  • HubSpot Sales – CRM, Deals, etc.
  • HubSpot Service – Ticketing, Live Chat, etc.

We've seen many benefits of HubSpot for eCommerce businesses. Tailor personal content, emails and offers with HubSpot's marketing automation and manage interactions and relationships with potential and existing customers through HubSpot's CRM.

Although HubSpot was originally developed separately from eCommerce platforms, their recent eCommerce Bridge creates more opportunities for integrations and connections with online stores (check out our BigCommerce HubSpot Integration!)

We've implemented many of these integrations for our clients and encourage eCommerce brands to investigate the ways HubSpot can drive growth.


Klaviyo is an email marketing tool designed specifically for eCommerce brands. This tool excels with marketing automation and makes it simple to experiment with A/B tests, segmentation, flows and much more.

Use Klaviyo as part of your abandoned cart email strategy, win-back campaigns and more. Test and optimize your automated emails with A/B testing to determine the email formats and send times that perform the best.

Other features include:

  • Forms and Personalization
  • Segmentation
  • Flows
  • Automation
  • Reporting
  • SMS

Additionally, Klaviyo recently rolled out SMS functionality that allows eCommerce stores to send text messages to customers that provide consent − a great tool for businesses that want to improve their mobile eCommerce strategy.


JustUno is an innovative conversion optimization suite for sales conversions, email list growth and onsite promotions. Using real-time user data, this eCommerce marketing tool uses different methods to increase conversions and grow audiences for brands. 

JustUno repositions pop-ups away from early 2000s spam and, instead, focuses on lead capture in a helpful way. Although they may seem annoying, pop-up elements can significantly grow your email list over time.

Create engaging pop-ups for every type of conversion goal and visitor using JustUno’s design canvas. Display different pop-ups based on user behavior to create a tailored and customized experience for your users.

Justuno also makes it easy to use Custom Form Fields to capture information on your site’s visitors in order to customize lead capture campaigns − even for those with no coding experience!

eCommerce Marketing Tools For Merchandising, Search, Rewards & More


Shoppers who use on-site search are 3-5x times more likely to convert. That's why we encourage eCommerce stores to focus on ways to help convert these shoppers into customers. That's where SearchSpring comes in.

SearchSpring is an on-site search and merchandising platform designed for eCommerce businesses. This innovative tool offers a variety of features to help consumers find what they're looking for, faster. These include:

    • eCommerce Site Search
    • Visual Merchandising
    • Navigation and Category Pages
    • Product Discovery Tools
    • Reporting and Analytics

SpringSearch delivers unmatched eCommerce site search intelligence out of the box, while providing control when you need it to help you grow your business.


Smile.io is one of the best customer loyalty programs designed for eCommerce businesses. This tool helps businesses build loyalty programs that are easy to engage with and understand, while creating a fun shopping experience for their customers.

Offer rewards in different ways using various programs:

  • Points System
  • Referral System
  • VIP System

Though each of these programs vary in structure, they all encourage repeat purchases and nurture existing customers through the buyer's journey. Choosing a customer loyalty program really benefits eCommerce businesses by encouraging repeat purchases, increasing customer lifetime value and driving more revenue.


Stamped.io fosters customer retention and brand building through ratings and reviews that users can share on their website, email and social platforms. Seamless, in-email submission is the key to Stamped.io's performance and success with our clients. 

In addition to standard email reviews, Stamped.io also offers Checkout Reviews, Questions & Answers, Net Promoter Scores, and a plethora of social capabilities.

Whether you plan to use this as a standalone tool or integrate it with platforms such as Klaviyo or Smile.io, the customization options feel endless!

Our favorite features are: 


Overall, these eCommerce marketing tools are proven leaders in their industries and help businesses attract, engage and convert more customers. Plus, they're great to implement to improve your inbound marketing strategy!

We hope you've found our recommendations helpful and are happy to answer any questions you have! If you're looking to leverage any of these eCommerce marketing tools or have any comments or concerns, use the form below to contact a member of our team.

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Internal Marketing Manager

Spencer Flaherty is an eCommerce blogger who loves exploring the latest trends and technologies in the industry. From chatbots to virtual reality, they cover it all.

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