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3 eCommerce Product Videos To Drive Product Page Conversion

January 21, 2020
2 Min Read
3 eCommerce Product Videos To Drive Product Page Conversion

It's crucial for eCommerce brands to showcase their products in the best way possible. Although great product photography is an essential component to increase conversions, eCommerce product videos help entice shoppers and convert them into customers.

If you’re ready to take the eCommerce video production plunge, or are even considering it, creating a concept is often the most difficult roadblock to cross. To help, we've compiled three examples of different product video genres to inspire your creativity and get you started.

Getting Started With eCommerce Product Videos

Did you know that 80% of video marketers say video has directly helped them increase sales? Drive product page conversion and increase your online sales by utilizing eCommerce product videos that focuses on the following genres:

  • The product features
  • The comparison
  • The lifestyle

The Product Features


This edit from Patagonia proves that sometimes, less is more. The clear and concise walk through focuses on product features and practical applications. By staying top-level, eCommerce videos like this keep things moving smoothly and retain customer interest.

This edit also includes multiple camera angles and close-ups to bring the product to life. Features like zippers and belt loops, which might have gotten lost in standard product photography, shine front and center.

If your brand sells solely online, customers miss out on the opportunity to physically touch and feel your products before purchasing. Take advantage of a product video by highlighting the important features customers may not originally notice. Not only does this improve customer experience, but it also increases conversions.

Most importantly, the video explicitly shows all features of the product from different angles. Highlighting everything a customer should know before purchasing your product builds trusts with shoppers and strengthens your brand's credibility.

The Comparison

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Working with pragmatic consumers? Try creating eCommerce product videos that compare products with another to save your customers time and stress. Unlike an overview video, this edit helps consumers evaluate and compare items in a product lineup.

B&H demonstrates exceptional thought leadership and builds consumer trust by sharing an expert and unbiased opinion. This longer-form video shines because it helps buyers evaluate in-person criteria online.

B&H offers invaluable information to help its customers make informed decisions without physically testing each product. As an added benefit, this edit introduces consumers to new products in different price ranges to help them meet their specific needs and budgets.

Consider eCommerce videos in this genre if you’re working with complex item specifications or differentiators within your product lineup.

The Lifestyle

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How do you describe a fragrance online? Sure, you can list formula ingredients and flowery descriptions, but until someone has actually smelled it, they haven’t experienced it. That’s why CHANEL takes a different approach.

Not only does it feature exceptional aesthetics, but it also transcends the product it promotes. When customers purchase CHANEL No.5 L’EAU, they don’t just buy a fragrance – they invest in a lifestyle (at least that's what this video causes you to believe.)

This edit’s carefully constructed narrative uses the product as a catalyst for action instead of making it a main focus. As a result, viewers can insert themselves into the story and embody the CHANEL persona.

Although CHANEL’s level of production isn’t feasible for every business, the lifestyle genre can adapt and scale based on specific product offerings.


The first step to getting started with eCommerce product videos is choosing a genre. The genre you decide on will vary between products and across industries. It's an easy first step, but the important thing is to actually take the step in the beginning.

With the proper eCommerce product videos, you'll turn shoppers into customers and increase conversion rates in a viable amount of time.

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Internal Marketing Manager

Spencer Flaherty is an eCommerce blogger who loves exploring the latest trends and technologies in the industry. From chatbots to virtual reality, they cover it all.

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