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The 5 Best AI and SEO Tools for eCommerce Website Strategy

June 12, 2024
9 Min Read
The 5 Best AI and SEO Tools for eCommerce Website Strategy

In the vast digital landscape, where visibility is paramount, the science and art of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) hold the key to unlocking online success. As search engines continue to evolve, so too must our strategies to ensure optimal visibility and organic traffic. Enter the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), a disruptive force that is revolutionizing the field of SEO. In this chapter, we embark on a journey through the world of SEO AI tools, exploring their exceptional capabilities and revealing how they empower businesses to stay ahead in the competitive search rankings.

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32 AI eCommerce Tools To Start Using Today

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AI and SEO Tools Researching Introduction

AI-powered SEO tools represent a paradigm shift, fusing human expertise with the computational power of AI algorithms. These intelligent tools provide invaluable insights and automation, enabling businesses to optimize their websites, analyze competitors, and adapt their strategies in real-time. With the ability to process vast amounts of data, uncover hidden patterns, and predict search engine behavior, AI tools offer unparalleled precision and efficiency in navigating the complexities of SEO.

AI and SEO Tools Tools Connections Image

Within the pages that follow, we present a curated selection of AI tools that have emerged as trailblazers in the field of SEO. Each tool brings its own unique set of features, including AI-driven keyword research, content optimization, and backlink analysis. Join us on this enlightening journey as we explore how these powerful AI tools are reshaping the landscape of SEO, equipping businesses with the tools they need to elevate their online visibility, drive organic traffic, and dominate search engine rankings. Prepare to unlock the true potential of SEO with the transformative power of AI.

Google Bard - Large Language Model (Free)

Google Bard, a product of Google AI, is an advanced language model that can perform a range of tasks, including text generation, language translation, and informative question-answering. It is particularly useful for eCommerce businesses and other online platforms looking to enhance their Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and increase their online visibility. With regard to keyword research and topic optimization, Google Bard has a number of applications.

AI and SEO Tools Google Bard

Firstly, it can be utilized for keyword research. Bard's market research capabilities allow it to
generate surveys, collect data, and analyze results. This can give businesses insights into the keywords their target audience uses when searching for their products or services, guiding them in optimizing their content around these keywords to improve their SEO and search engine ranking.

Secondly, Bard is an effective tool for topic optimization. It can generate high-quality, SEO-optimized content around specific topics, including blog posts and product descriptions. Such content is not only informative and engaging but also well-aligned with the search queries of the target market, helping attract more website visitors and convert them into customers. Moreover, Bard's content creation abilities extend beyond text-based content. It can generate images on the fly and integrate with Adobe's creative generative AI models, enabling businesses to create visually engaging content at an unprecedented pace. This can be particularly advantageous when creating topic-optimized content that captivates and retains the attention of the target audience.

AI and SEO Tools Google Bard Smartphone Hand

Lastly, Bard can aid in the creation of targeted ads optimized for specific keywords and topics. It can develop ad copy and even produce a list of iterative ads for testing, helping businesses reach more potential customers, improve their ad click-through rate, and drive more traffic to their topic-optimized content, thereby improving overall SEO.

While Google Bard is a potent tool for keyword research and topic optimization, it should be used in tandem with other SEO strategies and tools to ensure maximum effectiveness. It should also be noted that there are no explicit instructions on how to specifically use Google Bard for these tasks. For detailed guidance, businesses might want to consult an SEO expert or conduct further research on how to best leverage Google Bard's capabilities for keyword research and topic optimization.

Surfer SEO - Content Optimization ($19/mo & Up)

Surfer SEO is a robust, data-driven SEO platform that supports all aspects of search engine optimization. The core philosophy of Surfer SEO is to provide SEO practitioners and content creators with the data and tools they need to succeed. It offers a comprehensive suite of features, including keyword research, content editing, SERP analysis, and more. Each of these features has been designed to help users optimize their websites and content for improved search engine rankings and visibility.

AI and SEO Tools Surfer AI

Surfer SEO's keyword research tool allows users to identify the most relevant and high-traffic keywords for their website or content. This tool is built on a vast database of keywords and phrases, enabling users to pinpoint the exact keywords that their competitors are targeting and outranking them with. This insight allows users to refine their keyword strategy and align it more closely with the preferences of their target audience.

The Content Editor in Surfer SEO is an AI-driven tool that guides users in creating SEO-friendly content. It analyzes over 500+ ranking factors, not just keyword density, and provides real-time recommendations on how to optimize the content. This empowers users to write content that not only engages their audience but also aligns with search engine algorithms. The Content Editor's recommendations are based on a deep analysis of what's working for the top-ranking pages in the search results, leveling the playing field for all users.

Surfer’s SERP Analyzer is another powerful feature that offers deep insights into the search engine results pages (SERPs). The analyzer evaluates the top-ranking pages for any given keyword, providing users with a clear understanding of what it takes to rank higher. It also gives an overview of the key factors that are driving the success of these pages, enabling users to emulate their strategies.

Lastly, Surfer SEO offers a Content Planner that helps users create a comprehensive content strategy. The planner provides suggestions on what type of content to create, when to publish it, and which topics to cover. This ensures that users are creating content that is both valuable to their audience and optimized for search engines.

AI and SEO Tools Surfer AI Content Editor 2.0

In the realm of search engine optimization, Surfer SEO can play a pivotal role. For instance, eCommerce businesses can leverage Surfer SEO's keyword research tool to identify the most relevant keywords for their products and services. By targeting these keywords in their content and marketing strategies, businesses can increase their visibility on search engines and attract more potential customers.

The Content Editor can be used to optimize product descriptions, blog posts, and other forms of content. By following the Editor's recommendations, businesses can create content that both resonates with their audience and ranks highly on search engines. With the SERP Analyzer, businesses can gain a deep understanding of their competition and the strategies they are using to rank higher. This knowledge can be used to refine their own
strategies and gain a competitive edge.

AI and SEO Tools Audit Report Errors

The Content Planner can be used to develop a consistent and effective content strategy. By creating and publishing content that is aligned with their audience's interests and search habits, businesses can drive more traffic to their website and improve their search engine rankings. All in all, Surfer SEO offers a comprehensive suite of tools that can support businesses in their SEO efforts. Whether it's identifying the right keywords, creating optimized content, or understanding the competition, Surfer SEO has the tools and data to help businesses succeed.

Frase - Content Creation ($29/mo & Up)

Frase is a groundbreaking platform that leverages artificial intelligence to optimize and streamline your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) workflow. It is touted as the fastest and easiest way to generate content that ranks highly on Google. Frase empowers eCommerce merchants to transform the daunting task of moving from keyword selection to the final draft of content into a simple and painless process. The platform achieves this by integrating intelligent features into the content creation pipeline, which take the heavy lifting out of SEO.

AI and SEO Tools Frase Content Creation

One of the standout features of Frase is its ability to simplify SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) research. Instead of spending hours aimlessly clicking through SERP results, users can utilize Frase to save valuable time. The platform analyzes and condenses content from the top search results of any query, providing an insightful research panel to help users easily analyze their SEO competitors' content. It visualizes key SERP metrics such as word count, domain rating, and heading count, and uses artificial intelligence to generate comprehensive, optimized content briefs in a mere six seconds.

Moreover, Frase significantly accelerates the process of creating outlines. By leveraging AI, it can generate outlines in a matter of minutes rather than hours. Users can quickly curate outlines using headings from the SERP or ask the AI to generate an outline for them. The platform's intuitive Outline Builder allows for easy organization of the outline by dragging and dropping headings, and it can also generate heading and sub-heading ideas.

AI and SEO Tools Frase IO Editor Interface

Frase's AI Writer is another impressive tool that automatically generates SERP-inspired content. It creates SEO-optimized copy instantly, taking inspiration from the search results for the target query. Users can design an outline using the Outline Builder and instantly convert it into a full draft. The AI Writer can generate controlled outputs such as blog intros, high-converting copywriting formulas, FAQs, headings, and more. The platform is equipped with in-product tools designed for seamless teamwork, making collaboration with freelancers and coworkers a breeze.

Lastly, Frase offers a blueprint for creating content that ranks. The platform's intuitive text editor uses a topic model to assess the user's content compared to competitors, providing a list of related topics and their recommended mention frequencies. This helps users craft content that Google will love. The topic model can identify the keywords that should be included in the content, allowing users to compare their content's keywords with those of their top competitors. This feature provides a clear visualization of all the topics that search competitors are using and the frequency of their usage, offering valuable insights for content creation.

AI and SEO Tools Frase IO Categories and Tasks

In summary, Frase is an all-in-one solution for eCommerce merchants looking to optimize their SEO strategy. The platform's robust AI-powered tools and features are designed to simplify and expedite the entire SEO content workflow, from SERP research and outline creation to automated content generation and topic modeling. With Frase, eCommerce merchants can create SEO-optimized content that ranks highly on Google, ultimately driving more traffic to their online stores and enhancing their marketing efforts.

Alli AI - Content Analysis ($19/mo)

Alli AI is an innovative platform that equips eCommerce merchants with the power of Artificial Intelligence for their Search Engine Optimization needs. Alli AI offers a suite of powerful tools that make the process of SEO, from keyword research to competitor analysis and link building, a breeze. At the core of the platform is its AI-driven technology, which assists in automating the complex aspects of SEO and making informed decisions to drive organic traffic and increase visibility in search results.

AI and SEO Tools Alli AI Logo

One of the notable tools within Alli AI is the SEO tasks generator. This tool automates the process of identifying SEO tasks that can improve the visibility of your website on search engines. The tool not only identifies these tasks but also prioritizes them based on their potential impact on your website's performance. This allows eCommerce merchants to focus their efforts on the tasks that will yield the highest return on investment.

Another prominent feature of Alli AI is the AI link builder. Link building is a critical aspect of SEO that can significantly improve your website's visibility. However, it can be a time-consuming and complex process. The AI link builder simplifies this process by automatically finding high-quality websites for link building. The tool utilizes AI to analyze various factors such as the relevance of the website, its domain authority, and the quality of its content, to provide you with a list of potential websites for link building.

AI and SEO Tools Alli AI recommendations changes

In the context of keyword research, another crucial aspect of SEO, Alli AI shines with its AI keyword finder. This tool leverages AI to find high-volume, low-competition keywords that can increase your website's visibility on search engines. The tool not only finds these keywords but also provides you with insights into their search volume, competition level, and potential for driving traffic to your website.

The use case for Alli AI in SEO is diverse and powerful. For example, an eCommerce merchant looking to improve their website's visibility on search engines can utilize Alli AI's suite of tools to automate and streamline their SEO process. They can use the SEO tasks generator to identify and prioritize SEO tasks, the AI link builder to find high-quality websites for link building, and the AI keyword finder to find high-volume, low-competition keywords. By leveraging these tools, the merchant can significantly improve their website's visibility, drive more organic traffic, and ultimately increase their sales and revenue.

Pro Rank Tracker

logoAI and SEO Tools Rank Tracker Pro RankTrackerPro

Pro Rank Tracker is a comprehensive SEO tool designed for eCommerce merchants to optimize their web presence. As a cloud-based rank tracking and reporting solution, it provides advanced reporting capabilities for SEO experts, making it easier to monitor and improve your site's performance on various search engines. Pro Rank Tracker offers an intuitive dashboard that displays detailed insights into your website’s rankings, allowing you to track the effectiveness of your SEO efforts over time.

Proranktracker SEO AI tools for eCommerce

One of its key features is the ability to track your website's ranking on various search engines, including Google, Bing, Yahoo, and YouTube. It supports more than 187 local Google sites, 35 specific languages, and multiple platforms, offering a global reach that is unmatched. Furthermore, it provides up-to-date ranking reports that are crucial for making informed decisions about your SEO strategy.

Besides tracking rankings, Pro Rank Tracker is also equipped with a keyword suggestion tool. This feature helps you discover new keywords related to your business, offering insights into search volumes, competition, and trends. By utilizing this tool, you can optimize your content with high-performing keywords to improve your search engine rankings.

Ai and SEO Tools RankTrackerPro Keyword Research

Additionally, Pro Rank Tracker offers a unique feature known as "MyRanks." This client reporting feature allows your clients to access their website's rankings in real-time. By giving your clients access to this information, you can build trust and transparency, a crucial aspect of client relationships in the eCommerce industry.

For the use case of Search Engine Optimization, Pro Rank Tracker plays a significant role. Suppose you've recently implemented new SEO strategies and want to monitor how these changes are affecting your rankings. Pro Rank Tracker allows you to track your website's rank for specific keywords over time, offering a clear understanding of whether your new SEO strategies are effective. In turn, this can help you adjust your strategies, ensuring that your eCommerce site stays optimized and competitive.

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Internal Marketing Manager

Spencer Flaherty is an eCommerce blogger who loves exploring the latest trends and technologies in the industry. From chatbots to virtual reality, they cover it all.

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