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How eCommerce SEO Increased  Organic Revenue by 22%

June 03, 2020
2 Min Read
How eCommerce SEO Increased Organic Revenue by 22%

Final Draft is the number one professional screenwriting software used by screenwriters and filmmakers around the world. The software is used by 95% of film and television productions, including production companies like Netflix, Paramount, Pixar and NBC Universal.

At first, the company wanted to redesign their website and offer a better user experience, so they enlisted the help of the Groove Commerce team. They also wanted to drive additional revenue using both paid advertising and inbound marketing with HubSpot.

The company saw a 52% increase in organic revenue, 33% increase in organic visitors and 20% increase in paid conversions after working with our team.

However, Final Draft realized that they needed an optimized SEO strategy to increase engagement and convert customers. This case study dives into the strategies we used and the results we helped drive for this client.

Improving Final Draft's eCommerce SEO

First, our designers and developers created an improved online store for Final Draft, and our marketing team executed various paid media campaigns using custom landing pages to increase overall conversion.

Through paid advertising, HubSpot abandoned cart email campaigns and custom landing page creation, we helped Final Draft drive sizable increases in revenue and conversion. Then, our team began the behind-the-scenes work to improve Final Draft's SEO.

The Problem

Prior to implementing SEO maintenance with Final Draft, traffic was slowly declining or stagnant, engagement was low and conversion metrics were falling. By neglecting SEO best practices, the company was losing search visibility and failing to maximize content opportunities.

In the year over year data from November 2019 to March 2020 prior to Groove's help, the following negative metrics occurred:

  • Bounce rate increased by 17%
  • Conversion rate decreased by 9%
  • Transactions decreased by 4%
  • Revenue decreased by 5%

With tons of pages and blog posts, Final Draft became more focused on ranking in organic search results. They internally trained their marketing team and used Groove as an extension to that team.

Groove's Tactics

As an extension of Final Draft's marketing team, our team took some tasks off of their plate, so they can focus on what they do best: screenwriting.

Since they're the industry experts, we focused less on the non-technical side of SEO, like content creation, and focused more on the technical aspects, like SEO maintenance. We helped their team to better understand how to use SEO tools and report on what's doing well.

We leveraged eCommerce SEO tools, like Google Analytics, Moz, Ahrefs and SpyFu to help guide our SEO maintenance analysis and approach. Using weekly crawls, we identified metadata errors, site errors, content issues, redirect opportunities, keyword research and implementation and more.

At first, we were only sending weekly recommendations to Final Draft until we received edit access. Once we had full autonomy over site changes the first week of April, we began to see a larger lift in results. We first tackled technical issues then began updating and optimizing content such as blog posts.

The Results

After partnering with our team, Final Draft had an improved and optimized SEO strategy that drove significant results. We helped them increase organic traffic by 15%.

The chart below shows the increase in number of sessions to Final Draft's website year over year. Notice how the significant increase in sessions begins in April 2020, when Groove was granted access to make site changes for Final Draft. 

Final Draft SEO Data: Sessions Year Over Year

In addition, we helped Final Draft drive the following results between January 2020 and May 2020:

  • 4% decrease in bounce rate
  • 11% increase in eCommerce conversion rate
  • 22% increase in revenue
  • 28% increase in transactions




Expanding your organic search presence is essential to attract new customers. When your business relies heavily on eCommerce sales, like Final Draft does, an optimized SEO strategy is critical.

As a dedicated eCommerce SEO agency, we're here to help you use trusted technical and non-technical strategies to grow. With 13 years of eCommerce agency experience, we partner with you to jumpstart website traffic, generate leads and increase revenue.

If you have any questions or concerns about the eCommerce SEO Services we offer here at Groove, contact us through the link below. We'll be in touch!

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Director of Operations

With a passion for eCommerce marketing, Jaime Sunday writes about how to create a successful digital advertising campaign. They cover topics like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and more.

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